Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Speaks for itself.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Some good emails...

Hookers and Blow

So this guy emailed me.  He thinks I'm hilarious, and then emailed me again after I viewed his wonderful profile to tell me "thanks for looking".

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Jesus and Kids

So this guy contacts me on PoF.  Keep in mind a few things:  1) we live 2 hours away 2) I clearly state I don't want kids and 3) I clearly state I'm not religious.

These are some snippets in emails I received from him:

First - and this is just paraphrasing - he asked me right off the bat if I would reconsider the having kids things.  WTF?  Who asks someone that clearly doesn't want kids if they would reconsider, in a 2nd email reply?  Ok...

He apparently Loves Teh Gays:

Also had 2 aunts and a sister who is Gay, though I love them with all my heart, they knew and I knew it was wrong, and even though it was their choice, they knew God didn't make them that way and they would be judged for it. And though I don't agree, and never will, I don't hate them for it. And ask them to come to church with me all the time ;-)

And he's a bit religious.  Preach on, preacher!

Well, know this, the only thing we on Earth know about Heaven, Hell, and God Almighty, are written in those 66 books of the Bible. Funny how it's one 6 short, huh?    And if your heart ponders these things even in the slightest Ms X, you need to settle it while your ticker, is, well, STILL TICKING!!   Because according to the Good Book, it's too late when that happens. CHOP CHOP!!  LOL!! ;-)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Triangle of Truth

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Some new ones

Of course there's lots of fish in the sea, but you're the only one I'd love to catch and mount back at my place. hi im jose ;)
Good Evening,

I hope you are doing well on this lovely Monday evening, here it
is approaching 10:30 pm and have to admit I am quite intrigued and
interested after reading your ad, and I have to admit and be
honest, I figured here is an intelligent lady someone that can actually
make a clear concise sentence, so she must have a head on her
shoulder and not use it only as a hat rack!!! I do have a warped
sense of humor might be all those years I was confined in
something long black and full of seamen, aka nuclear powered
submarine!!! LOL. what you thought I was saying something else!!!
So let me introduce myself, my name is David, and to tell you I am
Jewish!!! I have not been a practicing one for some time, but I do
follow the holidays, it can be a part hard when I spent nearly half my
life in the US Navy and served primarily on fast attack submarines.
Yes, one of those, retired Navy Chief, nuclear trained, so I am one of
those engineering types, and right now, I am residing in Columbia,
MD and work in Union Bridge, MD at the LeHigh Cement plant there,
I am one of their industrial electrician,and I am new to this area
too!!! Earlier last year I was working in Bakersfield, California  and
moved here in May 2009, and I purchased a three bedroom condo
here, and yes, that is a long story I would be happy to tell later, that
can be a nice talk!!! Oh, I forget to continue about myself, I am now
50 years old, damned cannot believe I made it to 50 and tall, if
you think 6'3" is tall!!!! I have a close trimmed red beard, okay it has
more white in it now, damned approaching half a century but still
going strong. I am not a smoker anymore, I stopped cold turkey on
July 1, 2000, so it has been some time for a puff, and decided to
stop smoking the same day I was served divorce papers from
my ex wife, figured if I was going to get rid of one bad habit might ask
well make it two and get rid of the ex!!! Remember I did warn you
about my sense of humor!!! Yes, I am divorced and my divorce was
finalized back in March 2003 and I have two sons, 23 and 22 and
they are on their own, finished with college and living in Connecticut.
I am originally from Connecticut and a few days after my graduation
from high school, I left for the navy and did not return to live in CT
until I retired 22 years later from the Navy!!! And then during my
divorce I was a road warrior, doing field service work on industrial
boilers and burners and more!!!! So i am dependable and caring
man, and I did not run away from my responsibilities during
my divorce, so we all have a little bit of baggage but I am looking for
someone to cuddle up next to at night, someone I can share my
body heat and let just see what else we can figure out together,
someone to be part of my life, are you willing to find out more? And
yes, I love to kiss too, and snuggling on the sofa as we watch a DVD
together!!! And can always try to erase those bad memories and give
you some new and enjoyable ones!!

So let see here it is getting ready to head off to bed, but I found your ad
and wanted to say hello. And thinking and believing that a nice quiet
romantic evening while sharing a nice meal and a bottle of wine, enjoying
both the food and company is perfect, as we talk and get to know each
other. So I know quite a few places I love to see and traveling all my
years in the Navy I have seen the world, but I do enjoy cruising, a lot
different on a cruise ship instead of a submarine, LOL, do you just need
a passport and we can see the Caribbean for starters!!! And then during
the cruise, we can enjoy being together, sharing meals, enjoying a few
drinks at a nice bar listening to music, not too loud we have to be able to talk!!!

So let me keep this short now, and hopefully I will hear back from


Friday, August 20, 2010

The latest's a novel!

It's been along week at work, and you're hoping for a nice, quiet Friday night and Saturday. Your first impulse is to go straight home after work and spend the entire free time sound asleep. But, your co-workers are going to happy hour at the bar in the DoubleTree hotel around the corner. Free cocktails until 7:00! Just pretend you're a guest. They do it all the time. You have a glass of wine, then another as you and your friends unload some stress and make fun of that self-important guy who's always telling everyone how to do everything a little better. After a few hours, a couple people leave, then another and another and next thing you know, it's just you. You were just starting to feel good and energized, a little buzzed, and everyone disappeared. You should probably wait a while before you drive home, so you move to one of the lounge chairs, take out your paperback book and read while rubbing your aching neck.

I've been sitting in the lounge area, reading myself, having a few cocktails and watching you. Watching you laugh and relax and interact with your friends. Watching your eyes light up as your evening seemed to be beginning, then seeing your mood deflate as they each went their own way.  I bring you another glass of wine and try to start up a conversation.  You're trying to get more sober, not more drunk, so you politely accept it with no plans of actually drinking it.  We make small talk for a few minutes and I can sense you're not in the mood. A bunch of people come in, loud and drunk and sit all around us. "Let's go over there- it's quiet, we can both read in peace" I suggest, pointing to a set of chairs across the lobby.

We take our drinks and books and head over to the comfortable couches.  We chat a little, and read and drink.  There are long silences, but not awkward ones.  I excuse myself for a minute while you're buried in your book. I come back a few minutes later and set two more drinks on the coffee table. You say thank you, but you have no plans of even touching that one.  Rather than sit back down, I come up behind you and put my hands on your neck.  You're startled, and a little freaked out by a total stranger with his hands on your neck. "You've been working on your neck the whole time you've been here. I thought you could use some help". It's a public space, there are people around, so you relax a little. You really do need it. I work the back of your neck, on either side of your spine, and up into your hairline at the base of your skull. I've had a few classes, so I know how this works. First some gently rubbing to get your blood flow going, then slow, deep pressure on the muscles and tendons, along the edge of the bones. I go forward to just behind your ears, pressing hard with my fingertips, then down your neck to your shoulders. You close your eyes and lean back a little as I work the outside of your shoulders and your shoulder blades, where the tension has built up. It's nice to have big strong hands doing this for you. You reach forward for your glass of wine. That makes me smile. I am good, but I am also bad, and you have just extended your stay for another hour or more.

You don't say much, you're just enjoying the soft music, the wine and the massage. I work my way back to your shoulders, then all the way down each arm. Slowly rubbing, stretching, finding the pressure points. I get to your hands, which feel small in mine. I turn them over, rub your palms deeply, and tug at each finger.  You're completely relaxed, enjoying this unexpected massage from a total stranger, a world away from your typical friday evening. "This is a weird time to ask, but what's your name?"  "Tom. what's your's?" "Sheri"  "Well Sheri, it's very nice to meet you. I have a phone call I have to take so I'm going somewhere quiet for a while.  I'll be half an hour.  This here is a key to room 916. I hope to find you there, in bed, panties only in a little bit."  I take my phone out, looking at it as I walk around the corner.

You can't believe you're doing this. No, you're not going to. Maybe. What the fuck? Maybe the answer is another drink. Hmmm....Another drink. A few sips in, and you realize every drink not only makes you have to stay longer before you can drive, but loosens you up and makes it more likely. When was the last time you did something totally crazy? Fuck it. You're gonna go. Stop thinking about it, and just do it. Another drink, just to be sure and you head up. Nervously you unlock the door and step in. You look around and everything seems normal. A quick stop in the bathroom to freshen up, and you're committed. You go into the bedroom, shut the door, undress down to your panties and slip under the covers. You lie there, heart racing, wondering if this is smart? What if he's a pyscho? What am I doing here? You think it's all wrong and decide to leave. But just then you hear my key in the door, and it's too late.

Rather than come in the bedroom, I head straight for the shower. I have no idea if you're waiting for me in bed or not. I didn't see you in the lobby, but you might have, probably did, leave. Oh well. But just the chance that you're there is exciting. I get out of the shower, towel off and brush my teeth. I wrap the towel around my waist, but you it does little to hide my rock-hard cock. God, I hope she's there...

I open the door and see you in bed, covers pulled up to your neck. You say "Hey. I'm here. Not sure I should be, but I am" I smile. "I'm not so sure either, but let's try to figure that out."  I walk over to the bed, climb on and straddle you. I lean down to kiss you. A light, dry kiss on your beautiful, full lips. You kiss back, and your tongue slips into my mouth, flicking mine. I hold your face gently and kiss you again. Your hands go to my back and pull me toward you. You feel so good. I kiss your chin, and slowly down your neck. My hand brushes down the thin sheet. I can see your hard nipples pressing against them. I resist the urge to pull the sheet down and instead rub over them lightly with my fingers through the soft fabric.  You let out a little moan and press up towards me. I move down a little kiss your breast through the sheet. I lick your nipple. I bite it lightly. Mmmmm....I must see....I pull the covers down, exposing your whole body. You squirm around slowly while I admire it and think of the fun we're about to have.

I kiss you again, then gently bite your earlobe and start from there a long, slow trail with my tongue. Down your neck...out to your shoulder...down the outside of your chest, around your beast, down to your stomach. I kiss your belly, then start up with my tongue. I love to feel the weight of your breast from below. I tease it, licking and kissing all around it, in slightly smaller circles, then look up at you as i flick your nipple with my tongue. Mmmmm. I lick and suck it. I kiss it. I suck your hard nipple into my mouth, biting it with my lips while rolling my tongue all around it.  I slowly bring my hand up to the other one and squeeze it while using my mouth on this one. I take your other nipple between my thumb and forefinger and roll it around. You make the cutest little hot-girl-needs-to-be-fucked noises. You loosen my towel and it falls to the bed. My cock is hard and throbbing. I stand up and bring it up to your mouth. You have me so hot, pre-cum is already leaking all over it. I slide just the tip between your lips. I feel your tongue flick at it. I pull it back and you make a pouty sad face. "Not now. There will be plenty of time for that later." This first part is going to be about you.

I flip you over. Yum. The way your ass fills your panties is just spectacular.  I start down at your feet, rubbing the bottom of them, making you feel even more relaxed. I work up slowly, spending a lot of time on your calves, massaging them deeply with my strong hands. You start to feel like a toy in my hands. We both kind of like it. I move up to work on your hamstrings, and part your legs just a bit. I run my hands slowly up them, over your ass, and give each cheek at rub down.  I flip you back over, straddle you again and kiss your belly. I move down ever so slowly, kissing and licking. I can see the wetness showing through your panties. Mmmmm. i want some sooo badly. So very badly. I use my finger to lightly trace the edge of your panties. I rub your lips through them and you start to grind into my finger a little.

I bring my mouth down and give you a long, slow deliberate lick, parting your pussy a bit through the sheer fabric. I can feel the warmth and get a little taste. I want more. I grab the top of your panties with my teeth and left them up. I look up at you but your eyes are closed. "Watch. It turns me on when you watch", I say.  I start to pull them down and I finally get to see your beautiful pussy. Your neatly trimmed bush. Your clit dying to be touched. I sit up and roughly pull them all the way down, and toss them aside. I bring my cock back up to your mouth and try to slip it in. You lick the head once, then purse your lips, shake your head no and give me a sly, sexy smile.

I go back down between your legs. You smell so good. I can't wait any longer to taste you. I remind you to watch and I put my mouth on your pussy, just below your clit. I kiss you and flick my tongue just a little, then another long, slow, deep lick that parts your lips and finishes on your clit. I kiss and lick your side, then the other, always from bottom to top so I can finish with my tongue on your clit. I spread your lips with my fingers, completely exposing your clit. I kiss it. I flick it with the tip of my tongue and nibble it with my lips. I use the wide, flat part of my tongue to lick in every direction as my hands slip under your butt so I can pull you closer to my mouth. You're so wet. You taste so sweet.  You look down between your legs and see the muscles from my broad shoulders supporting my weight and my mouth on your pussy.  I start sliding my tongue inside you and move my hands up to your breasts. I cup them and squeeze them gently, sensing their weight while my tongue slides in and out of your dripping wet pussy. I sit up for a minute and admire the scene. You are so beautiful, so exposed, so vulnerable naked on the bed, legs bent at the knees and spread, your delicious wet pussy begging for attention.

I move up to play with your titties some more.  You grab them and squeeze them for me while I lick and suck at your hard nipples. You reach down between my legs and grab my throbbing cock, guiding it toward your pussy. Mmmm I want to be inside you so very badly. I press it up against you. I grab my cock with my hand and rub the head on your clit. I slap it lightly on your clit over and over. I use the head to slice your lips apart and slip just the tip inside you. Mmmmmm. You're so tight, but so wet and warm that I could so easily slide deep inside you. Instead I pull out and go back to kissing your belly. You nudge my face down and thrust up toward me. Your hot pussy is begging for attention, for something to be inside it...cock, finger, tongue, anything. I kiss and lick your inner thighs, coming oh-so close to where you want my tongue. I go to kiss your clit but stop just short and blow on it. I gently stroke your lips while blowing on your clit and every once in a while letting my tongue have a quick flick, a small taste.

I slide a finger deep inside you. I like to watch it slowly going in, then out. I pull it out a lick it. You really are delicious. I spread you lips with my fingers again and go back to sucking and licking your clit, while gently fingering you.  Your moaning and thrusting is really making me want to cum. I want to fuck you hard and fast, but first I was to hear you cum, feel you shudder. So I keep sucking your clit, flicking it with my tongue and fingering you with two fingers. I drive them deep inside you and twist them, exploring you with my mouth and fingers while you hold my head in place between your legs. You thrust harder and faster and I keep licking until you scream in ecstasy and push my face away.

I crawl up next to you and spoon you for a few minutes while you recover. You're spent, but my cock is still throbbing and aching for some attention. I gently roll you over again onto your stomach and I stand by the edge of the bed. I bring my cock up to your mouth again, and you open for it. Your mouth feels so good, so wet on my cock. I watch you kiss and suck me, and I keep staring at your naked ass, you legs spread just a little.  I want more of your pussy.  I pull out of your mouth and you give me a sexy pout.  I position myself at the bottom of the bed and start kissing up your leg again. As I get up above your knees, I spread them even further. Mmmmm. I can see your beautiful pussy, still red and swollen. That's what I want. I spread your cheeks and life your ass up in the air.  You lean into my face as I kiss and lick your pussy, still dripping wet.  I grab your hips and pull you into my face.  So fucking hot, bent over, ass in the air for me to devour.

I love being behind you, the feeling of power and control. I tell you to play with your tits for me. I pull back to watch. You are so hot. So ripe to be fucked, bent over, on your elbows, pinching your nipples and grinding your wet, exposed pussy. I climb on the bed an bring my cock up between your legs. You lean back and take me all the way in. All the way. In, then out.  I thrust deep inside you and hold you still. I pull out slowly. It's so hot to watch. My cock slowly slides out, glistening with you.  I lie next to you and stroke my cock a few times for you, then guide your head toward it.  I lift your leg so you can settle your pussy over my mouth while you take me in yours.

You lower your pussy to where I can tongue you and you take my cock in both hands. I thrust my hips as you kiss and lick me. It feels so good, I could cum any second. I thrust harder and faster and you basically just open your mouth for it.  I fuck your mouth as you occasionally kiss the head and lick me. I feel an orgasm build. I open my eyes and see your pussy right in front of me. I want to lick you, but I can barely move except to try to stay in your mouth.  I see and feel your hard nipples dragging along my stomach and that sends me over the top. I let out a moan as I cum. A spurt in your mouth, then you pull me out and use your hands. I cum for what seems like a full minute, all down your neck, your shoulders, between your titties.  We both lie there in bed, exhausted and in disbelief over what we did...